Mastering Flutter App Release: A Step-by-Step Guide to Publishing on Google Play and App Store

Releasing a Flutter App: Step-by-Step Guide for Google Play and App Store

Releasing your Flutter app involves preparing your app, configuring release settings, building the app, and publishing it to the respective app stores. This guide provides a detailed walkthrough for releasing a Flutter app to both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

Preparing Your Flutter App

  1. Update App Information:

    • Update the app name, description, and icons in pubspec.yaml.

    • Modify the app version in pubspec.yaml and Android/iOS-specific files.

  2. Configure App Permissions:

    • Update the required permissions in AndroidManifest.xml (Android) and Info.plist (iOS).
  3. Ensure Proper Code Signing:

    • Android: Create a Keystore file and update

    • iOS: Set up an Apple Developer account and configure code signing in Xcode.

Building for Release


  1. Configure Gradle:

    • Update the build.gradle file to configure the release build settings:

        groovyCopy codeandroid {
            buildTypes {
                release {
                    signingConfig signingConfigs.release
                    minifyEnabled true
                    shrinkResources true
                    proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''
  2. Create Keystore File:

    • Generate a Keystore file:

        shCopy codekeytool -genkey -v -keystore ~/my-release-key.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias my-key-alias
  3. Update

    • Create a file in the android directory:

        propertiesCopy codestorePassword=your-store-password
  4. Build the Release APK:

    • Run the following command to build the release APK:

        shCopy codeflutter build apk --release


  1. Update Xcode Project Settings:

    • Open the ios folder in Xcode.

    • Configure the Runner project settings, including the app name, version, build number, and signing.

  2. Set Up Code Signing:

    • Ensure you have an Apple Developer account and configure your signing certificates and provisioning profiles.
  3. Build the Release IPA:

    • Run the following command to build the release IPA:

        shCopy codeflutter build ios --release

Publishing to App Stores

Google Play Store

  1. Prepare the App Bundle:

    • Build the app bundle:

        shCopy codeflutter build appbundle --release
  2. Create a Google Play Developer Account:

    • Sign up at the Google Play Console.
  3. Create a New App:

    • In the Play Console, create a new app and provide the required details.
  4. Upload the App Bundle:

    • Navigate to the Release section, create a new release, and upload the app bundle (.aab file).
  5. Fill in Store Listing Details:

    • Complete the store listing details, including title, description, screenshots, and app icons.
  6. Submit for Review:

    • Review the app for compliance with Google Play policies and submit it for review.

Apple App Store

  1. Create an Apple Developer Account:

  2. Prepare the App Store Connect Listing:

  3. Upload the IPA:

    • Use Xcode or Application Loader to upload the IPA file to App Store Connect.
  4. Complete App Store Metadata:

    • Provide the required metadata, including app name, description, keywords, screenshots, and app icons.
  5. Submit for Review:

    • Review the app for compliance with App Store guidelines and submit it for review.

Tips for a Successful Release

  1. Test Thoroughly:

    • Ensure extensive testing on multiple devices and OS versions.

    • Use beta testers and gather feedback.

  2. Optimize Performance:

    • Use tools like Flutter DevTools and Firebase Performance Monitoring to identify and fix performance bottlenecks.
  3. Monitor After Release:

    • Use analytics tools like Firebase Analytics and crash reporting tools like Firebase Crashlytics to monitor app performance and user feedback post-release.

By following this comprehensive guide, you can ensure a smooth and successful release of your Flutter app on both the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

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